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Complaint Letter

Jl. Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang Barat,
Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan,
Banten 15417.
Tel: (021) 53546678                                                                            Fax: (021) 53546677
19th September 2018
Number           : 030 / Srt-Claim / 2018
Subject            : Complaint Letter

Dear PT Bangun Jaya Kontraktor
Jl. Serimpi Raya No. 37
Kota Depok 16411

Attention: Mr. Handoko
     Chief Contractor
Dear Sir,
I have found the following problem with the work you have done for me: A wall that is less sturdy that results in cracks and collapse of buildings. Cement and concrete blocks used are not balanced and dangerous for people passing through the building.
The 2015 Consumer Rights Act says that reasonable care and skills must be used while working. In my opinion, you don't use reasonable care and skills when you do this work and you have broken a contract with me.
I ask you: Reset the wall. As a sign of good will, I also ask for a 5% discount on the price of work because the inconvenience of the poor quality of your work has caused me to be unable to use for a long time.
Please contact me as soon as possible, and no later than 14 days from the date of this letter, to approve the date on which this work will be carried out correctly.
If I don't hear from you at the time suggested above, I will consider taking further action and seeking legal advice. Thus our notification, hopefully Mr. / Mrs. (the contents of the superiors) are pleased to assist us in repairing the building.
I look forward to your reply.

                                                                                                Pamulang University

Facilities and infrastructure

Kelompok :
1. Fitriyani Febri Setianingsih (171011200042)
2. Astriana Tonbesi
3. Selviana arni anis

Kelas : 03 SAKM 008/422


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